Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What Is Lacking in the Contemporary Urdu Novels


                                             The Urdu popular fiction novels of today are extremely popular. This is because they satisfy the following quote of Virginia Woolf on the popular fiction: "Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible." - Virginia Woolf
However, the critics might notice that in Pakistan, the themes of the Urdu fiction novels have become stagnant. Although the audience today likes the present day novels produced by the writers. However, the Urdu writers must realize that if they do not write on the hot topics of the present day world, the masses of Pakistan will continue to lag behind.
The following are the topics along with brief explanations, which are lacking in the present day Urdu novels.
The Urdu novels have seen times when people like Ashfaq Ahmed and Bano Qudsia contributed to the philosophical aspect of the Urdu novels. The couple has produced some great philosophical novels. Mumtaz Mufti is also a great name in the philosophical Urdu writings. However, unfortunately these days there is a dearth of such writers.
Modern romance
The Urdu novels of today are lacking modern romance. The modern romance implies that the romance of the current day world. The contemporary writers are still stuck in cousin romances and traditional ways of loving.
Contemporary lifestyle
The Urdu novels of today are also guilty of showing decade's old lifestyle. Some writers argue that only the urban lifestyle of Pakistan has changed and the rural lifestyle is just the same. However, it is not true. Countless surveys of the rural land show that the rural lifestyle has also undergone massive changes. The contemporary Urdu writers also neglect the trend of the mass migration from the rural to the urban lands.
Role of women in today's world
It is a very sad fact that the contemporary Urdu novels still show women as housewives. The leading ladies too settle for being good housewives in the end. It does not matter if in the beginning of the novels the leading lady is a brilliant student or a strong career woman.
Science fiction
The Urdu novels have never accounted for any type of science fiction. It is an extremely sad fact. This is because to grow as productive individuals in the current world, everyone needs a dose of science fiction. However, unfortunately the current Urdu writers are continuously failing to produce anything even remotely related to the science or the science fiction.
International affairs
The novels of any language should essentially have something related to the international relations. Unfortunately, the Urdu novels of today still have not grown out of the India Pakistan animosity. The writers should move on and try to incorporate things from several other countries too in their novels.
Therefore, even though the Urdu popular fiction is thriving these days, it is high time that the writers understand and realize their responsibilities. Otherwise, it is just a matter of a year or two that the Urdu novel will become stagnant.
Asad have keen interest in Urdu poetry and Urdu literature. Asad have read many books on Urdu literature which forced him to continue studying and exploring Urdu. Feel free to contact Asad at asad_asrar@yahoo.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Asad_Asrar

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